Wells Physical Therapy

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Dr. Otto is Certified In Dry Needling

Congratulations to Dr. Otto Jaasko

We are excited to offer our mobile dry needling services to Marco, Naples, and Bonita Springs. Dr. Otto finished his Certificate In Dry Needling this past weekend. With this Certificate he can travel to your home, gym, or office and provide you physical therapy and dry needling specific to your needs.

Dry needling is a physical therapy technique that uses small needles that are inserted into muscle, around joints, and along nerves. Dry needling helps to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and allow you to function and move better. All dry needling sessions begin with an initial PT evaluation and structure plan of care. We take the time to set goals that are meaningful to you and help you get there, faster!

Call us today at 904.568.1156 to start your Dry Needling experience in Naples!