Physical Therapy with a Guarantee

By Dr. Sean M. Wells, DPT, PT, OCS, ATC/L, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, Cert-DN, CNPT

How many times have you been to a doctor or physical therapist and not gotten the results you wanted? Did you pay excessively in copays, coinsurance, or just to get treated? Our model of physical therapy is superior to others because of its high value of quality care and our guarantee of our services.

Many of our clients tell us that their copays or coinsurance means they pay $60, $75, or even $150 dollars out of pocket for each PT session! What if you could have more but pay about the same, or even less? Our mobile, cash-based physical therapy practice comes to your home, office, or community gym in Ponte Vedra, St Augustine, or Palm Coast. This means you save time commuting and don’t have to join or go into another gym or clinic with lots of other people. Less exposure means you lower your chance of becoming COVID positive.

What if you don’t have a high-copay? We offer great rehabilitation services regardless of your insurance. You only get what you need with our plans: we do not demand you to be seen 3 times per week for 12 weeks. We shape a plan that is best for your care and your wallet. We know that many of us have high deductibles, so most of your health care expenses come out of your pocket. As such, Dr. Wells helps to work with you on keeping costs down while giving you the best care possible. Plus, we offer a superbill at the end of our care, which may give you money back from your insurance provider in the form of out-of-network benefits.

How else might you get more value from our PT? We value communication between client and provider. Our concierge care model ensures you get direct access to Dr. Wells with no added expenses -- once you’re a client of ours, you become like family! Having the direct access to Dr. Wells means he can respond to quick questions, calm fears, and ensure your care is moving forward.

Lastly, probably the biggest benefit to getting physical therapy with our practice is our guarantee. We offer a “Better in 3 or it’s Free” guarantee that promises your money back if you don’t feel any better after 3 treatment sessions. In the past decade of offering private pay physical therapy, we have only had to partially refund 1 client who did not get better. What other insurance or private physical therapists can say the same? 

Call us today or use our contact us form to get started today! We offer in-home dry needling, manipulation, exercise, manual therapy, IASTM, and amazing, professional attitude and care!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels