Agility Ladders and Older Adults

Age has its impact on the human body. With minimal exercise, a poor Western Diet, and beliefs that age slows us down, we struggle to function as we age. One easy way to stay ahead of age-related changes is through an comprehensive exercise program designed by a physical therapist.

Balance drills, resistance training, and education is the mainstay for PT and aging adults. Despite these efforts we are still missing the mark amd adults continue to age and struggle with functioning. Study after study show we need to train power, especially functional power based movements. As such, I implement the use of an old sports training tool: the agility ladder.

The agility ladder pushes older adults to work on quick stepping, patterns, and change of direction. The ladder offers similar stepping that a person may have in a parking lot (stepping over curb quickly), a tight closet (side stepping), or walking through a crowd (weaving and shuffling). Assigning pattern helps with memory development and parallel processing. Enhance the parallel processing with upper extremity manipulation or verbal questions. 

Immediately, many physical therapist may be worried about "safety". For too long have we underdosed and not pushed our older adult clients. The Agility Ladder can easily be done with close one-on-one spotting and/or a gait belt. Ladder drills may be more time consuming and require closer supervision, which may be difficult in a very busy insurance based Physical Therapy practices. Regardless, I have seen the benefits outweigh the risks, and my clients have commented on how well they can move after using this intervention over many sessions. So, give it a try: go out and explorer agility ladders with your older adult clients!

Back Pain, Manipulation, JAMA

According to a new, large systematic review done by the Journal of American Medicine (JAMA), spinal manipulation or mobilization significantly reduces pain and improves functioning for acute lower back pain. Nearly half of the Articles reviewed were published by physical therapists! 

Doctors of physical therapy are uniquely trained in spinal manipulation. Two weeks ago I had a unique case of a gentleman with lower back pain. He was in so much pain he was crippled forward over a Walker. After performing spinal manipulation, as well as therapeutic execrises, he no longer need of the Walker... after one treatment! 

Fast responses to treatment is it Priority for us. Call or message us today to schedule a consultation.


Wells PT Presents at National Conference for PTs

Dr. Sean Wells presents at the 2017 NEXT Physical Therapy conference. His topic covered hip pain, differential diagnosis, and orthopedics. Enjoy the picture and we will share more informant from the conference soon!


Upcoming Book: Diet and PT

I have written on the positive effects of a plant based diet. Currently, I am working on my 2nd book , this one focused on nutrition and physical therapy. Diet is not just for trainers, weight loss experts, or people wanting to shed pounds. Diet is pivotal in tendon healing, recovery from stroke or spinal cord injury, and reducing inflammation.

Diet is also crucial for longevity. I have 2 second author publications on how reducing calories extends lifespan. Vegan and plant based diets have similarly show increasing lifespans and a reduction in life-ending diseases like cancer, heart disease, and stroke. How does a plant based diet do this? The evidence is still out but the preliminary results show it could be that plant based and some (non junk) vegan diets are low in omega 6 fats, animal fats, and animal antibiotics/hormones which stimulate inflammation. Others argue that plant based diets are chock full of anti oxidants (fruits) and prebiotics (vegetables), which help to reduce inflammation and boost the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is tied to not only gut health but also mental health, endocrine and cardiac health, and the musculoskeletal system! 

Want to learn more? Stay tuned for my book coming out later this summer/early fall.

In the meantime, enjoy this article on red meat and its effects on your health:

Knee Arthritis - Pay for What Works

A recent study of nearly 86,000 subjects found the treatment for knee arthritis did not follow research supported clinical practice guidelines. The study showed physicians heavily used steroid and hyaluronic acid (HA) injections - 46% and 18% of the time - despite little evidence to support these interventions. More sadly physical therapy was used only13% of the time, despite PT being an evidenced based and cost effective treatment. 

The total cost for care for the subjects' knee OA was reflected by HA injections at 29.2%, which the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon's classifies this treatment as "strongly - cannot recommend". Meanwhile PT only reflected a total cost of roughly 10%.

PT is a cost effective treatment for knee pain. Call today for a consult!


Should Fitness Test Be Part of Your Physical Exam?

The New York Times did a wonderful article highlighting the importance of Fitness testing in the detection and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The article cited how simple Fitness testing can be an easy way to detect heart disease. I wholeheartedly agree. In my practice I have caught several incidents of clients that had potential heart disease, and I was able to help them significantly. In fact, one patient actually needed a stent after I did a routine step test which revealed a lower than usual heart rate and abnormal rhythm. 

Physical therapist should be the leading experts in this area, along with exercise physiologist. The reality is most physical therapist don't examine general fitness, let alone take basic vitals during the exam and routine follow-up. More concerning is the lack of exercise and nutrition knowledge by physicians. Did you know that most medical doctors only received 2 days of nutrition training and almost no exercise classes in medical school? While this may be changing slowly in medical schools, I still think physical therapist can work in combination with MDs during physicals every year to test for cardiovascular disease using fitness tests.  I know that my local Physicians that I work with rely on data for me to provide their patients with an overall health assessment that includes Fitness.

Call today to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors of physical therapy. Begin the journey to Better Health now!


Exercise and Your Brain

No amount of exercise is too much for your brain! Start today and learn more...

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You've found the site of the best PTs this side of the Mississippi...well, maybe we are exaggerating but we are positive your will love our services and the information you will find here! More to come soon!

-Dr. W